Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2# Future = You + Technology !!!

Hey Friends,

We are living in an era of evolution, not the evolution of we humans but the evolution technology. Today, nothing can be said as “IMPOSSIBLE”. When we asked for  a device that can help us in our everyday life, smartphones were created. Who would have thought of a bending screen, but Samsung gave us Youm displays which can be bend in any way we want. Contribution of modern technology is everywhere, from education to medical, deep-core mining to space, application of modern technology can be seen anywhere around us.

How will technology help us?

Well I am not an astrologer who can predict the future but according to me in the near future humans and technology will be one, in short ‘Cyborg’. Smarter devices will be transplanted inside us which will take care of our health, tell us which medicine to take, act as a phone, it may be connected with GPS which will tell our location when we are lost and many more wild imaginations are coming in my mind.

Robots and AI (Artificial Intelligence) will play the major part in the evolution of technology. Robots are already been used over a decade in the fields of manufacture industries and surgery. Special robotic pills are been made that can be taken just like any other pills, these pill will specifically target the core of  the diseases like cancer which can’t be simply cured through surgery.

Exoskeletons are been made that allows a person to lift 100 kgs of things without any extra efforts, this will also help the people as disabled or paralyzed  AI’s like Siri by Apple can be seen among us at this moment, it is an application through which our smartphone can talk with us and takes our orders.

According to me, until year 2020 mankind will master the field of cloning. 3D printers will do wonders, they can be used to create a perfect replica of an organ that has been severely damaged and can be transplanted inside the patient via surgery. On the other hand space exploration will take a giant step as humans will create spaceships so powerful that can take us from one corner of the galaxy to the other.

Automobile industry will not be left behind as cars running on electric, hydrogen and other clean fuels made. Cars and bikes in the future will be very safe as all of them will be connect to a satellite connection and their movements will be track via GPS, this will minimize the chances of collisions or accidents. Jet packs will be another mode of transportation.

Final Words.

Don’t worry nothing like Matrix or Terminator will happen due the some rules, regulations and guidelines that are made in order to keep us safe. In the near you will be surrounded by androids, AI, robots and probably we will be partly cyborgs. I know it sounds creepy but it will happen sooner or later and we’ll have to accept it.

Thanks for reading and see you in future ;)


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